Here’s how you can set your checklist to start manually based on user actions on your site, such as when an element appears or when someone hovers over an element.

This way you can show the checklist exactly at the time your user most needs it. Or the users can start it by themself.

How does it work?

The Trigger section is available in the checklist settings. There, you have the option to start the checklist automatically or manually.

User Action

After selecting the checklist to start manually you can select the specific user action that will start the checklist.

The process of selecting an element is the same as in the tour settings. You can learn how to select an element on the Usetiful Help Center page.

Usetiful Button 

Another way to show the checklist is by using the Usetiful button. Then the checklist is shown as collapsed. By default, it isn't set and the checklist will open automatically on the selected page. If you want to show the checklist collapsed you have to turn the button Show collapsed on.

Thanks to manually triggering, the checklist can be reopened even in situations when the user dismisses the checklist with manual trigger (by choice or by mistake).

Here is a short video demonstrating how to start the checklist manually.