Target users based on their interaction with other tours or checklists. These conditions allow you to dynamically control the display of content based on a user's progress, enhancing personalization and ensuring relevance.

Condition Name
Tour state is
ClosedTarget users who have started a specific tour but have not completed it. This is useful for showing complementary content or providing assistance during a tour.
Completed (reached the last step)Show content to users who have fully completed a specific tour.
For example, you can display a follow-up checklist or guide after users finish the main tour.
Not StartedDisplay content to users who haven’t interacted with a particular tour. This can help prompt users to engage with a tour they may have overlooked.

Condition Name
Checklist state is
Checklist CompletedShow content to users who have completed all the items in a checklist.
Checklist Dismissed
If at any point the user clicks the "Dismissed" button on the checklist or dismissed it automatically as compeltion action.

By using tour and checklist state conditions, you can tailor your user experience based on their engagement history. This ensures users see content that aligns with their progress.

These conditions are available in the Settings section when configuring Usetiful content.