Smart Tips are a simple way to support your users. Compared to product tours, there is no workflow and no history - just a user, your feature, and Smart Tip.

How to create Smart Tips

  1. In Usetiful, go to section Smart tips
  2. Click on Add Smart tips
  3. Add Tip and name it
  4. By clicking on the Select element, choose an element your Smart Tip will hook (more info here)
  5. Choose when the Smart Tip will appear. You can choose from:
    1. Mouseover - when a user goes with cursor above the element
    2. Click - when a user clicks on the element
    3. Focus - when a user gets inside of the input field
  6. Optionally: Choose the orientation of your Smart Tip against an element
  7. You can set a Hotspot beacon on your element by turning "Hotspot beacon" on. This way you can indicate to an end-user where a Smart Tip is located.
    1. When the Hotspot beacon is on, you can choose whether the smart tip is aligned to this hotspot beacon or to the selected element.

    2. The Smart tip aligned to the beacon is located next to the beacon:

  8. Once the beacon is enabled, go to the Trigger section where you can choose to target the smart tips based on the beacon, element, or both.
    a. When targeting the element, you will see the smart tips bubble upon clicking or hovering over the element.
    b. When targeting the beacon, you will see the smart tips bubble upon clicking or hovering over the beacon.

  9. Additionally, by clicking on the Settings you can limit where your Smart Tip will be showing (more info in Page Targeting)
  10. Show to user - decides whether smart tips will be displayed everytime conditions are met, or just once for a given user.

Feel free to add as many Smart Tips as you wish inside of one group. If you need to target multiple pages, it is simple to create multiple Smart Tips groups.

Do you have your own layout Theme? Simply assign it to your Smart Tips in the Settings menu.