Counting and billing customers for “assist”-s is the most fair and customer-centric approach in user onboarding and product tour software. Usetiful is pioneering the assist-based pricing in the industry and here’s why. 

First, let us define the assist - because different companies refer to different things when talking about it.

In our understanding an assist is one instance of our software helping your customer. It is different from

  • the definition of assist as being anytime a user initiates a product tour (like WalkMe does)

  • charging customers even more unfairly based on clients’ monthly active users (like Appcues does)

We count 1 assist when

  • Any step of a specific tour is viewed by a specific user for the first time within one hour

  • The user engages with a smart tip on the page - any amount of smart tips within a specific smart-tip group within 1 hour

  • Checklist item is marked as done (and not engaged with any tour at the same time) - the checklist assist is counted only for the first completion.

We don’t count additional assists when

  • A user engages with the same tour multiple times within an hour

  • A user engages with any smart tip within a smart-tip group within an hour

  • A user completes a checklist item that is engaged with any tour

Additionally, even if you overuse your license and have spent more assists than there are in your plan, Usetiful does not block the end user service within the prepaid period - once you reach the limit, no disruption happens and your tours, user onboarding checklists and smart tips are served as before. We are happy for the success of our customers and will notify of this limit being passed. The license will be upgraded to a higher tier from the next billing period.

Usetiful’s pricing is transparent and simple. We want to ensure our customers are successful with our product. 

If you know how product tours work, you will have questions. Here are some of them

Q: You are not charging me based on how many people visit my page?
A: No, you are only charged for assists - which is when a visitor is having a meaningful interaction with your tour or smart tip (not the page). 

Q: Is it more expensive to be billed based on MAU?
A: In this case it can be way more costly. Let us explain. Many companies have a substantial customer base that is already familiar with their product, and as a result these customers will be excluded by targeting from many onboarding tours. Onboarding tours are good for new customers, which are only a fraction of the total customer base. Why pay for all, if the software will be used by just a small fraction of them? 

An assist and its definition is a crucial element of selecting onboarding and product tours software for your app. With this blog post our intention was to help you make a more informed choice.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us